Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sask Party News Release

Saskatchewan Party Says NDP Mismanaging School Closure Issue
Gantefoer Says NDP Hastiness Part of the Problem
Tuesday - March 27, 2007
REGINA-Saskatchewan Party Learning critic, Rod Gantefoer today said the NDP government is too busy rushing to close schools rather than find solutions and listen to the communities and people affected.

“Today, we have people from Save Our Schools rallying at the Legislature wanting to know why this NDP government is not answering their questions on closures,” Gantefoer said. “It’s obvious education is not a priority for Calvert’s NDP government.”

Gantefoer addressed the group on the steps of the Legislature saying the NDP has failed rural Saskatchewan and does not understand the full impact a school closure has on a community.

During Tuesday’s Question Period, Gantefoer asked the Minister of Learning why the process for closing schools is so expedient. Gantefoer says all options must be considered before a school is closed.

“We need to take into account such things like making schools a multi-use community facility and studying the true viability of a school to the community. Most of the time, schools are much more then a place to educate kids during the day,” Gantefoer said.

Gantefoer cited the 2001 ‘Role of the School’ report. The report calls on schools to adopt a “community school” philosophy that encourages families, neighbours, businesses, churches and other organizations to become involved in school events and make use of the building.

“This NDP government is acting so quickly, they are not even following their own report,” Gantefoer said.

Gantefoer also condemned the NDP government for not understanding that many community councils have only just started up, and have not yet had a chance to voice their concerns.

“What’s the point of having community councils if this NDP government won’t listen to them, or closes the school before they get up and running,” Gantefoer said.


For more information: Saskatchewan Party Caucus, 787-4300.

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