Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Last posting - at least for a while

I think that we can be reasonably pleased with the turn-out at the rally today, considering the miserable weather, but I wish more people had taken the time to come out to support us. However, the coverage was very good on both CVT and Global television news this evening. I did not see the CBC local.

I guess we have done all we can, for the time being. We now have to wait until our respective school divisions announce their decisions about the individual schools which are under review.

I was not impressed by the Minister's response to our concerns. It is interesting to note that she categorically denied that there is a "list" of further schools to be ear-marked for closure. If, as I strongly suspect will be the case, our appeals and protests have fallen on deaf ears, I think we must make sure, when the provincial election occurs sometime this year, that the Saskatchewan Party makes this issue an important part of their election platform.

I do not plan on posting any more messages on this blog for a while. There is little left to say until we know what is going to happen, but I will not delete it yet, as some may wish to look back at the various information and comments.

However, everyone might continue to think about what we could do next in the worst case scenario.


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